Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My passion for feline rescue

Guest post written by Helen Richmond

I've been really into helping animals find homes for years now. But I guess that the ones I'm most passionate about helping out are cats. I've always just been really partial to cats over dogs, although I grew up with and have a few dogs as well. I just think that cats are a little harder to place in homes because they have a reputation for being less loving than dogs. But I've found that depends on each animal, not what kind of animal. That's just one of the things that I tell people when I'm convincing them to adopt cats.

I like to also blog about cat adoption and I was doing that not too long ago when I ran across some info on debt settlement family. Once I Looked through it a little bit I decided for my family to use that because we've been in debt for some years and haven't done enough to help get myself out of it.

I've convinced several people to adopt cats through all of my feline rescue efforts over the years. I hope to continue to do that and maybe settle my family's financial troubles along the way.